ELGO-DIMITRA maintains more than 21,000 access codes of plant genetic resources
It also maintains the reference collections of National Catalogue varieties and more specifically, more than 1,000 varieties of forage, industrial, cereal, horticultural, various tree, and vine varieties.
ELGO-DIMITRA, as the custodian of the country's plant genetic resources, maintains in the Genetic Material Bank, in the Balkan Botanical Garden and in the collections of the Institutes more than 21,000 access codes of plant genetic resources from domestic traditional varieties and wild relatives of cultivated species, endangered endemic Greek aromatic medicinal plants and forest plants.
It also maintains the reference collections of National Catalogue varieties and more specifically, more than 1,000 varieties of forage, industrial, cereal, horticultural, various tree, and vine varieties.
Institutes all over Greece
Research Programs
Specialized Investigators
National collections of plant genetic resources